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My Struggle. My Story. My Success.
From feminist to Feminine©

I am Sonia, your Certified Modern Womanhood Coach!

Guiding YOU - today’s “modern” woman in freeing yourself from the daily poison of your internal and external conversations that keep you from happiness in love, marriage and your personal relationships. My mission is to support you, today's "strong, independent, hard-working" woman in achieving success ALSO in love, happiness, family, marriage and in your committed relationships.


I specifically help women who feel lonely in their marriage, who are suffering from disconnect in their families, who have been or are going through divorce, who are lost in a pattern of non-committed, abusive or unhappy relationships and who are simply stuck in the abyss of victimhood (my Pupa Archetype©) or in the storm of burnout (my Caterpillar Archetype©).


I help these women use divorce, break-up, separation and their general disconnection from men, attraction and love to re-build confidence, strength and power in their personal and professional lives. These women also use this growth to manifest a committed, high-value relationship or restore happiness, intimacy and attraction in their existing relationships.




How would we create these beautiful things in our lives from such pain, failures and bad relationships???


First, let me get something out of the way: There are NO failures, bad relationships, or failed marriages.


There are only FANTASTIC learning, healing and growth opportunities!




It is because YOUR relationships provide you with an ultimate laboratory for healing!


It is because opening up to connect to someone in your life allows YOU to get triggered, really learn about your inner-stuff and transform!

I share more about my journey, purpose and teachings in this feature interview and in this blog where I touch on the importance of embodying my Butterfly Essence© moment to moment in my life and work; there lies my true worth, power and leadership as a woman: in my feminine.

Have you met your inner Butterfly?

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